Do you

out Education
Resources on Ebay!

Are you a Mailbox
If so, don't miss out
on the free extra
resources it offers
on the
Click HERE
for more
What do you want to do?
General Teacher

This is a fantastic online gradebook. You
can store all your student's grades here securely for a very
reasonable subscription price. You can print all manner of
reports to keep parents informed. Many of the teachers at my
school have jumped (happily!) on the bandwagon! Give it a try -
they offer a 30 day trial period.
Web Resources for Educators
Art lessons
Reading lessons/sites
Numerous resources, ideas & lesson plans
Classroom management
Disability info.
Downs Syndrome
Hearing impairments
Learning disabilities
Special education resources
Teaching jobs
Visual impairments
About Network
A large compilaton of educational resources covering such topics as curriculum subject
areas, assessment, classroom management, educational games, teacher tools, freebies,
homework helpers, and new teachers
on the Web
(from Teach-nology)
200 of the best sites for teachers!
Blue Web'N
A giant list of the best educational sites on the Internet--tutorials, web-based
activities, web-based projects, units & lesson plans, hotlists, other resources, and
lesson & tools.
Search by content table, subject area or grade level.
Education World
Articles, subject resources, specialties, reference center and much more....
Search a large database of educational materials.
Teacher Toolkit
Save your lesson plans online and
publish to the web to share with your principal or other teachers. Report
Card Comments
Stuck for something to write on progress reports and report
cards? This site contains links to several report card comments
to get you started. Not enough? Click HERE
for even more! Easy
Test Maker
Using this online tool, you can create your own tests quickly
and easily, and save them to use the following years. |
School Work Site
OnCourse is a web based solution
for lesson plan creation, review, and management. In addition,
OnCourse offers a centralized solution for teacher web sites and
school calendars.
Find out more!
K-12 Curriculum Frameworks
Click on the subject and grade level and print out frameworks
Activities for every month of the school year!
Sites for
Over 450 sites for educations, reranked by popularity each week.
TONS of information here -- themes, lesson plan
center, worksheets, ideas, teacher resources, tutorials, rubric generators, web tools,
educational games, etc.
Treasure Chest of
Educational Resources
A list of educational resources put together by the Mississippi State Dpt. of Education
Yahooligans Teacher's Guide
Newsletters on MANY topics (such as 100th day of
school, Black History Month, clipart, Natural Disasters, Thinking Games)
Internet Literacy (teaching Internet literacy,
acceptable use policies, citing Internet sources)
Sample lesson plans
Teaching Resources
Yahooligan categories (language arts, math, science,
social studies, computer science, art, music, health)
Educational sites to explore
Professional organizations
Many publications on everything from baby development to No
Child Left Behind. Thousands of titles, and they're all free!
Extremely long listing of
educational and childcare websites. Thousands of resources here.
Education Schools
Students can use this free
comprehensive database of U.S. education programs to search for
everything from bachelor's to doctoral degrees in over 50 education-related
concentrations, including K-12, adult, special, gifted or educational
Back to Top
Creating a Class Website

Sign up for a free class web page and a free email account here. Your web address
would like something like this :, pretty each to remember.
You can upgrade to get more features and to get rid of ads, but there are plenty of
great features for a general classroom site for free.My School Online
$$Paid Subscription
Beginning fall 2002,
MySchoolOnline will no longer be a free service. There will be a
$19.95/year subscription fee. Click HERE
for more details
Example - click
Sign up for free -- you can add as much of your own content as you want, plus you can
select ready-made content (activities, articles and more) to add.
School Notes
Example - click here
You can add your own text or notes for students to read, add links to other web sites, and
create online "flashcards" for your students to study with. Scholastic
Class Homepage Builder
Easy to use! |
Teacher Web
$Paid Subscription
(Rates are $2.50/month or $25/year - click here
for details)
I give this web page builder two thumbs up. It's very user friendly and easy to update. Highly recommended!Express Page
(Click EXPAGE BASIC near the bottom of the page
to get the free service.)
Examples - Click here and here
This is not a teacher-oriented free web page service, but it is very easy to use. It
is easy enough for students to use to create websites. You can also change the
background and add music, to change the look and feel of your page. You can even add
a page counter and a guestbook to your page.
Quia Class Web Page
$$Paid Subscription Required$$
As of February 2002, Quia is
no longer a free resource, although you may have a free 30 day trial to
see if it would be useful to you. After that, their subscription
price is $49/year
Very simple web page maker. You can add text of your own, links to Quia games you've created (see Interactive Sites for more info on Quia's games), and
links to other web sites you want your students to visit. |
Back to Top
Download Some Programs

Worksheet Factory Lite
Create addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
problems. Very easy to use!
Note: You can get the Mathematics Worksheet Factory Deluxe with
lots more kinds of worksheets for $25.
Click here
for more details.
Order Free Software
Prices as low as $5.99, and free shipping! Titles such as
Blue's Clue ABC Activities, Curious George Pre-K ABC, Millie and
Bailey Preschool, and much more!
Grades Software!
Prices as low as $5.99, with free shipping! Titles such as Big
Thinkers 1st Grade, BrainQuest 1st grade, Clue Finder's 3rd Grade
Adventures, Children's Encyclopedia, and more!
Thinkers Kindergarten
Topics include Letter Identification
and Alphabet Skills, Spelling, Reading and Beginning Phonics, Number
Identification and Counting, Time Telling, Art and Music Creativity,
and many more.
Finders: 6th Grade Adventures
The Learning Company's award-winning
learning system, bringing out the best in every child - at every
level. Builds confidence and problem-solving skills for skill. The
program is an adventure game that builds on 6th-graders' interests in
mystery and adventure and develops their logical thinking,
mathematics, science, geography, social science, and language arts
Language Activity
Make crossword puzzles, search a words, quizzes and much more.
This is a trial version, but with the registered version, you can add
any number of your own word lists to the program. Only $10 to
Worksheet Factory
Create 12 different kinds of vocabulary worksheets, including
crosswords, word search, word shapes, cloze and punctuation, and
Free to try -- fully functional for 20 tries.
After that, the registration fee is $25.
Search Factory
Create unlimited word searches for free, using your own lists of
Students practice grammar skills through a fun adventure. This
is a trial version, which will allow you to play some sample
games. Once you register for only $10, you can play 1,000 games
covering 50 topics.
Teacher Tools
Plan Software
You can download one that has grids for
6 or 8 subjects. This is user-friendly, great lesson planning
software. You can save all your plans, so that means no more
rewriting the same lesson plans year after year!
School Bus
Free downloads from the Microsoft site - 12 different
Writer 2
Download a free trial version and a teacher's guide
Back to Top
Learn About the Internet

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Classroom Management

Lots of tips and ideas for getting organized, bulletin boards, first days of school,
grading, classroom rules, etc
Honor Level System
11 Techniques for better classroom discipline
in Classroom Management
exerpted from
Classroom Success for the LD and ADHD Child
Suzanne H. Stevens
Management Forms
Point charts, awards, certificates, behavior contracts, and more.
Classroom Management
Lots of info, such as room arrangement, behavior management, and
classroom organization.
Ideas that Worked
From Teach-nology, real teachers who have tried and true methods for dealing with behavior
in the classroom
List of Sites
List of websites concerning
discipline and classroom
management The
First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher
(by Harry Wong)
Read about the book HERE
and purchase your own copy HERE.
You won't regret it! It's one of the best resources out
there. Take a look at 10
sample pages from the book. How
to get your students' undivided attention! TeachNet
Behavior & discipline techniques Nonverbal
ways to quiet your class
Classical Teaching Mistakes
Read up and make sure you aren't making any of these mistakes!
Learning Guide
Click on "Managing your class & students" under K-12 Teacher to answer
questions and then get referred to websites that will pinpoint your particular needs!
ProTeacher Behavior
Management Links
Over 40 links to sites that offer behavior management tips and ideas, from good
behavior charts to discipine for new teachers to behavior reports.
Discipline Plans
20 or so links to how to handle discipline in your classroom
You can Handle them
A guide for dealing with over 100 kinds of behaviors
is Your Classroom Management Profile?
Take a little test to see how you stack up, management-wise! Classroom
Management 101
Online resources and suggestions for lesson planning,
discipline, and more. Put
an End to Homework Horror!
Ideas and suggestions for keeping students interested and on
task. Interview
& Advice from Fred Jones
Author of 3 classroom management books and seminars Creating
a Climate for Learning: Effective Classroom Management
Techniques Classroom
Management Ideas
Get organized with these ideas from I Love That Teaching Idea |
Back to Top
Subscribe to
Educational Newsletters

Surfing the Net with
Surfing the Net with Kids is the free e-mail edition of the nationally syndicated
newspaper column which ferrets out the best of the online world for kids, parents,
teachers and the young-at-heart. Each column rates and reviews five fun, educational Web
sites on topics as diverse as Gargoyles, Declaration of Independence, Martin Luther King,
Alphabet Fun and Venomous Snakes. Written by syndicated newspaper columnist Barbara J.
Classroom Flyer
You can subscribe to an email newsletter that you get every day,
or you can bookmark this page to read online. There is also an
archive of past newsletters.
Copernicus NewslettersElementary Update
Designed for educators who want to use technology as a teaching tool,
this monthly newsletter focuses on the needs of Pre-K to 5th grade
educators. Each issue of Elementary Update includes super sites for
lesson plans and activities, a feature article on current news of
interest to elementary educators and tips for using both SchoolNotes
and the Internet in the classroom. There is also a section that
spotlights an elementary school that is successfully integrating
technology into teaching.
Secondary Update
Designed for educators who
want to use technology as a teaching tool, this monthly newsletter
focuses on the needs of 6 - 12th grade educators. Each issue of
Secondary Update includes super sites for lesson plans and activities,
a feature article on current news of interest to secondary educators
and tips for using both SchoolNotes and the Internet in the classroom.
There is also a section that spotlights a secondary school that is
successfully integrating technology into teaching.
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Read Educational
News and More

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Free Stuff
for Teachers & Schools

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More tools for the

Teacher Calendar
From Teach-nology
You can sign up for your own online calendar here. You can post important events and
even set reminders for important dates to be sent to your email address. Set up a
calendar here and set it as your homepage and you will never miss another important date
or appointment!
And, because you can set events to be public or private, you can give the web address to
your students who have Internet at home so they and their parents can keep up with events
that are happening at school. Alternately, after you have entered all the events for
a particular month, you can print a very neat and handy copy of the calendar to send home
with your students!
Save and publish your lesson plans online.
Search for web resources by subject, theme, and
Casa Notes is designed to allow teachers to
quickly make, and customize, typical notes that are sent home to
parents or given to the students. This is done by using templates and
allowing the teachers to customize some of the content, choose a color
scheme and add a graphic. The notes can then be printed on a
black-and-white or color printer to be used. Teachers can select
whether the notes should be in English or in Spanish. The
following notes can be created using CasaNotes:
Plan Software
You can download one that has grids for
6 or 8 subjects. This is user-friendly, great lesson planning
software. You can save all your plans, so that means no more
rewriting the same lesson plans year after year!
This FREE tool is designed to enhance teacher
and student communication through an on-line teacher-managed calendar.
Teachers create a calendar for each of their classes and add
assignments for the students to view. Students view their teachers’
calendars in order to see assignments for classes they might have
missed, or to get an overview of the class. Here you can view a sample
RubiStar is a tool to help the
teacher who wants to use rubrics
but does not have the time to develop them from scratch. Read
more ... Go
to the tutorial (it includes information on changing
categories, their headings and content)
This site, by Discovery School has many
PuzzleMaker --
Generate your own educational crossword
puzzles, math
squares, word
searches, and more. Our ready-made word lists will help
Lesson Planner -- Create
and store your customized lesson plans for easy access. Link
your lesson plans to puzzles, quizzes and worksheets you create on
Quiz Center -- Take
advantage of the most powerful quiz-making tool online. Create
and administer quizzes that are graded online and that provide
instant feedback to you and your students. A comprehensive set of
options gives you lots of flexibility
Worksheet Generator --
custom worksheets for almost any subject. In a rush? Use one of
our ready-made worksheets created by teachers like you!
Test Maker
Using this online tool, you can create your own tests
quickly and easily, and save them to use the following years.
Back to Top
Create an
Internet-based lesson

MCQ Authoring System
(multiple-choice questions)
Use your own text and create comprehension, grammar, vocabulary or other kinds of
questions, based on the text you use. (The tests/quizzes you create can be printed
out as worksheets, also.) Web
Worksheet Wizard
What you can do with the Web Worksheet Wizard:
Create a unique web document
Personalize article / page
Include an Image
Add hyperlinks to other sites
on the web
Include an e-mail link to allow
others to contact you
This is a
website that allows STUDENTS to create online "posters" to
go with lessons they are having in class. (Teacher work is
deleted, so make sure kids are using this resource - teachers can use
the Web Worksheet Wizard
to create online lessons.) Students can add the following on
their project poster page:
Just make sure students do NOT
include their last names on their work.
is a free web-based program. With this web-based utility, you will be
able to create a custom quiz that others can take online! If you have
a lesson plan centered around internet websites, or if you want
students to be able to do take-home assignments over the internet,
then QuizStar is for you!
Filamentality is a
fill-in-the-blank interactive Web site that guides you through picking
a topic, searching the Web, gathering good Internet sites, and turning
Web resources into learning activities. It helps combine the
"filaments" of the Web with a learner's
"mentality". Support is built-in through Mentality Tips that
guide you along the way to creating a Web-based activity you can share
with others even if you don't know anything about HTML, Web servers,
or all that www-dot stuff.
At Xcursion
Central you will find Internet field trips called Xcursions that you
can use in the classroom right away. Discover an easy, safe way for
your students to access the rich content on the Web without a lot of
prep on your part.
contain live Web sites that have been annotated to guide student
thinking. They are created by teachers like you and freely shared for
all to use. When you send students on FoolProof Xcursions, you can be
confident that they will be engaged in high-quality, challenging
lessons using live and age-appropriate Web sites.
TrackStar helps
instructors organize and annotate Web sites (URLs) for use in lessons.
The resource list remains visible allowing the user to easily stay on
track. NOTE: Be sure to read the copyright
infringement page for details about adding links to your
Track...this basically says that you may only add a certain number of
links from the same website (usually 2).
Using the NoteStar
NoteCards tool, students can take notes from online sources as they
browse the Internet. Source information (i.e. title, url,etc.) is
automatically captured in order to assist in work citation. Once
their notes are gathered, students may then organize their notes to
suit their project's goals.
NoteStar benefits teachers as well. Once the teacher has assigned a
NoteStar project to their students, they can return at any time to
monitor their student's progress. Based on a student or group's
progress, the teacher may provide feedback.
Back to Top
educational standards by state

Back to Top
Parent Resources

2 School
Home2School is an interactive web
site for parents. Parents can refresh their memory on long forgotten
skills (Two Minute Tutorials) and find
reading books for their children by grade level and interest
(soccer, music, horses, etc.) Parents can also make their children top
performers by ensuring that all the essential learning objectives have
been completed. You can build a personalized education plan for your
student according to the standards adopted by your state.
Home2School uses passwords to
ensure the confidentiality of the checklist of your child's skills. We
also respect your privacy--we don't sell any of our registered users'
e-mail addresses. Try it, your child's future will benefit!
- The Anti-Drug
Parental influence is one of the main reasons kids decide to
not use drugs. This is a great resource for parents,
including drug information, advice, and more.
Resources for parents that include behavior, special needs,
development, and more. Many, many links to great resources. Family
Help for parents of children ages 0 - teeenager. Some
topics include behavior, development, health, homework help, and
safety. KidSource
Help for parents in the following categories: newborns,
toddlers, preschools, K-12, education, health, recreation, and
parenting. |
Back to Top
for drug-free education

- The Anti Drug
TeachersGuide is a drug education resource that
was developed by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. We
provide teachers with ideas and resources for incorporating drug
prevention messages into the classroom. As part of Web site,
TeachersGuide is able take advantage of other drug prevention
resources that are available for adults to use when talking to kids
about drugs. TeachersGuide was created and designed with input from
veteran educators and behavioral experts.
and Drug Information
Site by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human
Services. Contains information on drugs and their effects, plus
publications and other resources. |
Back to Top
Pictures and
Clipart Sites

FreeFoto is a large collection
of free photographs for private non-commercial use. It
has 50 main sections with over 1600 sub headings. The
photographs are free to private non-commercial users and for sale to
other users.
Channel School's
Clipart Gallery
Clipart organized into 19 categories
(Language Arts, math, science, teachers, etc.)
Thousands of clipart pictures divided into 20
categories. You can also search for a particular picture.
Picture Machine
No categories, but you can search for a picture
4 Learning
Hundreds of pictures in 39 different categories, such as
animals, dinosaurs, monuments & national parks, oceans, United
States and science, just to name a few.
Clipart for Kids
Lots of cute clipart and links to clipart on this site,
divided into categories such as aliens, animals, schoolzone, weather,
and holidays
Over 1000 pictures in over 20 categories.
Domain Clipart
Contains mostly holiday clipart, but also
includes rainforest, dinosaur, animals, space & world clipart Fonts
for Teachers
Download lots of free fonts with school based themes |
Back to Top
Ideas for
Bulletin Boards & Classroom Decor

Back to Top
Word Wall Words
Grade List
Grade List
Grade List
Families and Rhyming Words
Word Walls
If you are a member of EdHelper,
you can create your own word walls
Wall Lists - Four Blocks
K-3 lists to print on cardstock
How to make your own word wall words to print
Wall Kits
Download and print immediately
$1.95 per set |
From ABC Teach:
a list of words
(choose from a list of word categories, choose a size and
font, then print -- you can sign up for a membership to print your
own words)
Wall Lists
(action words, animals, words with "at", class signs,
contraction match, direction signs, Dr. Seuss books, fraction match,
measurement questions, multiplying by 5, number match, words with
Word Wall words
(Back to school, February, groundhog, math, St. Patrick's Day,
Valentine, winter, August/September, book, First Day Jitters, book -
First Day, Hooray, book - The Kissing Hand, book - Froggy Goes to
School, book - Magic Treehouse titles, social studies terms, desert
animals, rain forest animals, Spanish months, calendar days, telling
("be" words, connecting words, time order words,
"ow" words, contractions, high frequency, opposites, short
o sound, CVCE, Spanish months, long e, ee to sound out)
(ail, ab, ain, ake, ame, ate) |
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Report broken links or questions